Jim takes part in shipwreck surveys in the Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary alongside Dr. Robert Ballard
The 64-meter research vessel EV Nautilus is expected to complete a visual survey of the USS Independence, and explore other shipwrecks in the area. Jim will be on board for part of the expedition, along with several other scientists, explorers and ocean experts.
Watch all the action starting Aug 19 live by satellite at: http://www.nautiluslive.org/
For more details on the mission, go here: http://www.nautiluslive.org/expedition/2016
Scientists to examine WWII carrier that survived nuclear tests
From the website of SFGate
By David Pearlman
Scientists aboard an ocean research ship moored at the Embarcadero are preparing to probe the sunken remains of an American aircraft carrier that was blasted by atom bombs at Bikini during the first postwar tests of the nation’s nuclear firepower.
Full story at: http://www.sfgate.com/science/article/Scientists-prepare-to-explore-WWII-carrier-sunk-9171945.php