Maritime Archaeology

Dr. James Delgado Joins SEARCH as Senior Vice President

By |2017-04-27T01:49:30+00:00April 27, 2017|Lectures, Maritime Archaeology, NOAA, Shipwreck Discoveries, Speaking Engagements|

The quest to learn about the past continues in a new role After a seven-year long tenure at NOAA's National Marine Sanctuaries as Director of Maritime Heritage, in Maryland, Jim has taken up a position [...]

Haunting photos of Japanese mini-submarine sunk during Pearl Harbor attack

By |2016-12-10T17:44:01+00:00December 10, 2016|Maritime Archaeology, NOAA, Shipwreck Expeditions, Technology, U.S. Navy|

Haunting photos of Japanese mini-submarine sunk during Pearl Harbor attack From the website: by Rob Verger The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has released photographs of a Japanese mini-submarine that was sunk at the very beginning [...]

Watch Live: Searching for Japanese Midget Submarine in Pearl Harbor

By |2016-12-05T22:22:25+00:00December 4, 2016|Maritime Archaeology, NOAA, Shipwreck Expeditions, Technology|

As part of the December 2016 expedition aboard NOAA's ship Okeanos Explorer, a team of scientists will examine the Japanese midget submarine sunk prior to the aerial attack by the crew of USS Ward [...]

James Delgado and Michel L’Hour: underwater cultural heritage needs more protection

By |2016-12-05T22:22:26+00:00September 21, 2016|Lectures, Maritime Archaeology, Speaking Engagements|

James Delgado and Michel L’Hour James Delgado and Michel L’Hour: underwater cultural heritage needs more protection From the UNESCO website: The two renowned archaeologists will speak at the UNESCO conference in Paris, Sept. [...]

(Videos) Adventures of a Maritime Archaeologist

By |2016-12-05T22:22:26+00:00August 22, 2016|Maritime Archaeology, NOAA, Shipwreck Discoveries, Videos|

Video: Adventures of a Maritime Archaeologist, Courtesy Ocean Today - NOAA Jim gives a quick overview of maritime archaeology, the connection we have with ships and the sea, and the importance of preserving [...]

Video of shipwreck near Point Arena yields ‘twisted garden of steel’

By |2016-12-05T22:22:26+00:00August 22, 2016|California shipwrecks, Maritime Archaeology, NOAA, Shipwreck Discoveries|

The SS Dorothy Wintermotes engine skylight. Ocean Exploration Trust - NOAA Media releases news about the Dorothy Wintermote shipwreck Jim, Dr. Robert Ballard and others have been surveying aboard Nautilus off the California [...]

Watch live satellite feed of Nautilus wreck expedition

By |2016-12-05T22:22:26+00:00August 19, 2016|Maritime Archaeology, Shipwreck Expeditions|

Features on an historic photo of USS Independence CVL 22 are captured in a three-dimensional (3D) low-resolution sonar image of the shipwreck in Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. The Coda Octopus Echoscope 3D sonar, [...]

(VIDEO) Jim talks to the Explorers Institute

By |2016-12-05T22:22:26+00:00August 18, 2016|Maritime Archaeology, NOAA, Shipwreck Expeditions, Videos|

Jim talks with the Explorers Institute while in San Francisco. Watch Jim's "fireside chat" with the Explorers Institute in San Francisco. (Note: there are intermittent audio difficulties) Check out more Explorers Institute videos [...]

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